
Take it slow! but take it forward.

We all have dreams and wishes that we want them to come true, but the process may not be as easy or same as we thought it would be. For example you are preparing for an exam in a subject for chapters 1 and 2, but let’s say the introduction or the theory of what exactly is there in chapter 1 & 2 is in another chapter or book. Then we cannot say we don’t want to study that chapter right?

Same way, in our life it is common to aspire for something and to wish for something more. As a human it is our innate nature to go and grow more than what we are and how we are.

When we do that, there are certain things that needs to be done in order to get the thing that we wished for.

Example: Let’s say, I want to buy a car with specific features like color, model, place, brand etc., Is only wishing for it is enough?

From one perspective, it is enough if you are familiar with how subconscious mind works. But in general after wishing it we need to take the steps right? like checking for the cars available, cost, how to arrange money, when to buy, what and all documents are required, place to keep it etc.,

In simple words, TAKING ACTION. For every wish to make it to reality we need to take certain actions. If you really observe most of the times unless until if something happens suddenly everything happens in the same way, we wish or think and take the necessary action and see the result. That is the simple rule of LIFE.

While taking this action, we may sometimes fall into the race of showing or proving what we are or comparing with others. It is okay and it is common, we are born in a society which is existing from a long time, and which has seen these many changes and count less number of people. We all have set of predefined characteristics of how we work and why we work.

It is a change if we want to do something on our own to become something else from whatever we have learnt, in that transition period it is common to feel things like

  1. We are not enough
  2. Why do something when we are already have this peaceful job
  3. Sticking to routine? it’s a headache. I had a burnout after following this time blocked schedule.
  4. I  just don’t know anything in my life.
  5. Already my family is taking care of me/some one is already taking care of me, why bother taking risk?

Remember! Independence comes with responsibility. If you want to take responsibility of your goals and dreams, or if you want to take responsibility of not giving yourself a chance.

What exactly might happen if we go for our dreams?

  • If we don’t eat that cake on that day.
  • If we attend that interview.
  • If we ask for help.
  • If we go for the trip.

May be we become more happier than we are, is it wrong? When we do something wishfully and complete it we get this unknown butterfly size of confidence, that makes our day. Is it wrong to aspire for that?

If you really observe, those little butterflies and little confidence and acceptance of our self is exactly what we are looking for isn’t it?

Just observe how far you came consciously or not, whether you are in the place where you have dreamed of, or if you are in the work in progress, or if you are unable to see the road even when you have the wishes.

It is okay, Thank you.

Thank you for coming till here,

Thank you for picking up yourself,

Thank you for eating correct food,

Thank you for moving your body,

Thank you for having faith,

Thank you for sleeping well,

Thank you for holding on to us – The Dreams.

I am on my way to us. Thank you.


The Self.

Check our website: Connecshh

Check our snippet section for small boost up of confidence: snippet section

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