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It is not always about getting motivated and doing something based on the schedule. We are human beings and we do need rest and some interest to do things. No […]
Hi everyone, I am Sivakumari and this is my story. Well, This journey started as same as you – by being born on the earth. I am 24 yr old […]
Take it slow! but take it forward. We all have dreams and wishes that we want them to come true, but the process may not be as easy or same […]
We are where we need to be, Yes you heard it right! The place that we are living in, the people that we talk to, and the work that we […]
Every moment of our life we do make choices, Yes we do. It doesn’t matter whether we are sleeping or in awake state mind as of why do that technically […]
It takes whole 3 days to plan New Year resolutions to just stop following them after two days. Isn’t it? Or are you the person who follows at least for […]
In India, it is common thing that we put other people’s lives and their needs before ours. If you are unsatisfied with yourself, this is not a bad thing or […]
competition is a common thing and is important to grow and learn more about our strengths, however, it should not exceed the healthy limit and make space for your ego. […]
Do we need to decide what the path is? what is a path? How do we normally decide what we want to do in this life? How can we figure […]
Hey guys, thank you for being here. Being grateful, we all heard these two words at some point in our lives. Didn’t we? From my childhood, my family situation was […]