
We are where we need to be, Yes you heard it right!

The place that we are living in, the people that we talk to, and the work that we do is exactly because of the place that we are mentally to be specific Patterns.

We see patterns every day, from how the sky is arranged to the lines on our fingers. It is real that everything is somehow symmetric and systematic. Similarly the exact thinking that we do is also based upon the patterns.

Exactly what patterns that we depend upon?


The place we live in defines, how we behave as a person in any situation most of the times. It is like the definition of our behavior.


There is a saying that “we are the average of 5 people that we spend with” it is true. As humans we have the tendency to inhibit and each others habits this happens internally in subconscious mind.

Storage Box:

Don’t know if you believe in past lives or not, from my point of view we all do come with some specific traits or talents. Where do you think they came from?

All of these influence us as a person, so remember even when we say like we are independent, Are we really?

As human beings it is a natural tendency to wish more to have more! Well it is not limited to one category, we aspire for everything that our five senses say that we need, Yes! observe

You wished for that car, job, trip, person, family, place, home etc., what not we are wishing based upon the fulfilment of our five senses. If we have control over our five senses do we ask for things? I need to think about it, what about you?

If you read books like “The power of subconscious mind” or any psychology related book, the first thing that we focus on is our “Master” our software of the mind. It is that we are what we really think we are, we are because we think.

So, things that you have aspired for will come to you if you have that energy, and sequence of patterns or pathways that are flowing with in you.

If we stay in 6th standard and aspire to write 10th standard exams do you think we can get the result that we are wishing for?

No! we have to go through the process, we first need to know what is the syllabus and the ability that we need to have,

and we have to study and prepare ourselves for the exams then when we write them we will be able to crack them.

Same for life circumstances also. Anything that we aspire for first we need to prepare our software to get into track. Train it everyday till it becomes an autopilot then you can be rest assured of the exams.

Till then we are here! exactly where we have placed ourselves consciously or unconsciously. It is true, it takes time for this change. If you already know the above information and if you are in the transition phase then

Do not worry! We all are trying to improve ourselves in each and everyway everyday! It’s okay if some one is taking one day to change and someone is taking a year or a two to change.

Hold on! Take a deep breath. Pat yourself on your back and tell this “Thank you {{yourName}} for coming this far, and holding on to this wish“.

Thank you,

Sola Jayasree.

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