
In India, it is common thing that we put other people’s lives and their needs before ours. If you are unsatisfied with yourself, this is not a bad thing or a good one. when we live in a family environment we do need to sacrifice or compromise certain things. We were told that putting others before us, service, and love are the most satisfying purposes in life. I also agree.

I would like to express my beloved friend Kavya’s story, Her family is from a middle-class background. Many of us have experienced this at one stage, worrying about what will happen tomorrow and not living today to the fullest because of the fear of tomorrow. Situations don’t turn as we wish or plan when we are not in a good position financially. This matters a lot, it defines how people and opportunities treat us.

This fear of tomorrow doesn’t even allow you to think about pleasure, happiness, love, or life until you ask that question. being in a middle-class family makes us believe that we need to agree with whatever people tell us and that we need to do whatever someone has ordered us. There is no option to choose what you want or do not want the same thing happened in Kavya’s life.

She doesn’t have a choice of choosing what she could wear, drink, eat, or study. Everything in her life has been based on her family’s financial situation. Most of us also faced this, Kavya has completed her studies in engineering and joined a good software company. She is getting a monthly salary of 40,000/- Rs and she is the first salaried person in her family.

Her dream was to do something for herself on her own like becoming an entrepreneur. By the end of her college studies, her family condition spoke in another way. Having a regular job was necessary, she joined the company. If we observe having a thing that we do not even try or want is tiring, we see it as a burden rather than as a blessing. The same thing happened, she started feeling it as a burden rather than as a blessing. This has caused her stress and mental tension which led to Hormonal problems.

If we see from one perspective, having a job is basically not a bad thing. But when we have something more that we are called to that and if we don’t go based upon the situation or the considering each and every other reason as of why we shouldn’t do what we love. It is. Kavya has seen only her dream, not her circumstances trying to teach her. If you really see we often judge or blame things when they are not what we are looking for, and yeah! Thanks to Social media. which gave extra free coupon of receiving constant validations. It’s a disease, If we don’t step/zoom out and realize what exactly is happening around us. It will be too late to feel sorry.

Happiness is not some kind of a goal to achieve. It’s here right now, ask yourself this question. Are you happy right now in this moment?
What exactly is happiness for you? what exactly you are looking and thinking, God! If I have/get this one thing I would be the most happiest person. The answer is No! We won’t be happy when we get the things that we think we need comes true. Savor this last sentence!

It’s a practice, Happiness is a practice. Yes! Whatever the definitions or tags we see, one thing that is sure is that we can practice to be happy. It starts with small things, such as smiling at yourself, answering a question with patience, attending to the needs of the people we love, attending your need, giving yourself time, giving life a chance, feeding an animal, painting a wall, standing in the rain, etc..

You define what is your small thing, and do it. One remainder we forget to have is that TIME GOES AWAY! even hen you do something or you don’t. One day you wake up to realize that whether whatever we are seeking unknowingly is it really worth it? or the day when our loved ones leave this home to find a new home, or one day our pets goes to new life or we have to go away. Who knows what is going to happen?

So just do it, Life is simple and easy. Please do LIVE! Happily!

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